Id like to introduce everyone to meet Author Bette Maybee. I had the pleasure of Reading her Debut Ya Novel Phoenix- The Rising and have to say I was blown away. I truly enjoyed it. So I have asked Bette to stop on over to Page FLipperz today, To give us a little insight into herself and her novel. Bette has also wonderfully donated an e copy of her book to one lucky winner.
Firstly the book cover and Blurb ..
Every 300 years, the immortal Phoenix
returns to Mono Lake for its fiery rebirth--but this time it didn't return
alone. The Nephilim are back in force, trying to keep it from being
reborn so one of them can claim its immortality. But first they have to figure
out who the Phoenix is--and any red-haired, green-eyed, seventeen-year-old in
the area is fair game. And so, the killing begins...
Julie Mason doesn't believe all
this legend crap until she falls for Eli Sullivan, whose hallucination-inducing
kiss not only saves her, but makes her the Nephilim’s prime target. But, it's
worth the risk. Her death is inevitable...not even Eli can prevent it.
All she has to do is keep the Nephilim off Eli’s trail until The Rising. Once
Eli is reborn and forgets his past life, Julie’s life is over, whether she’s
dead or not. At least that's what she thinks...
My Review .
I have to say that this Debut Novel from this author really blew my mind. I opened the book, not sure what to expect and have to say I read it in almost one sitting. Reading those last words, my thoughts:
How long till the next book?
My heart was heavy but certainly happy and curious , and my mind going one hundred miles an hour trying to work out which direction this author may take us in the next instalment.
I have personally not read many books on Phoenix's and this one is truly a unique story. It captivated me till I had turned the last page, and had me grasping at my pages at many suspenseful and emotional turns.
I was starry eyed with Eli - a kiss like that - he certainly made me swoon. His whole persona - what can I say - I have found yet another book boyfriend to pine over. (Sigh) lol
I enjoyed his power, yet his caring attitude, his love, and his overall character.
Julie Mason was a strong character; I had a heavy heart at times for her, coping with things in life not every teenager experiences. But, then she meets Eli, and gains a new best friend as well as love. Her character was shown with definition and depth and even in her darkest moments she didn't think of herself but who she may have to leave behind or possibly never see again.
The romance between Eli and Julie was sweet, endearing and most definitely romantic. I got a little choked up at times. But also had butterflies.The relationship was paced at a gradual pace, no rushing into it and certainly working up the reader to want to find out more.
I have to say those last few chapters had me worried, and very sad... and I was certainly torn towards Lucy's character, I really didn't like her through most of the book but that certainly changed. Her character was well put forth.
All evil is this book, was most certainly that, and for the Nephilim to gain immortality many suffered at their hands...
Many twists and turns are woven throughout this story and you certainly won't see them coming, moments where you will be teary eyed, your heart racing and mouth agape and possibly some ahhhh moments.
The myth that Bette has written in her story is one of a kind. A fiery rebirth every 300 years, a mother chosen to guide the Phoenix and the also the danger of having green eyes and fiery red hair.
Nephilim who are hot yet seriously dangerous, and a calling for some and end for others.
But that certainly is not all.!!
The authors writing is crisp and well written and certainly engages the reader at every page turn.
Phoenix - The Rising is a thrilling, intense, roller coaster ride that is romantic, suspenseful - yet emotionally touching. The characters breathe a life within the pages and the world that Bette has crafted is so well envisaged and written , I felt like I was right there inside the book right till I had read that last word.
This book was supplied to me via the author but in no way does this reflect my honest opinion or thoughts. Thank you to the author for this review copy
Author Interview with Bette Maybee.
1. For anyone who does not know Bette Maybee, would you please tell
us something about yourself?
Sure! I've lived most of my life in the Midwestern
US with my husband, Tim, eating corn-on-the-cob and tipping cows. (JK—I've never
tipped a single cow, although I do moo at
them whenever I get a chance!) I have three fantastic kids, Allison, John, and
Tim, and am a mother-in-law (the good kind) to Tim’s beautiful wife, Pippi.
After surviving a fifteen-year career as a middle school Science and Language
Arts teacher, for which I deserve a MEDAL (come on high-schoolers, you know I'm
right!), I now spend my days assisting university faculty, who, thank goodness,
don’t have a habit of doing the gallon challenge as my former charges did and
are easily tamed with a bowl of Jolly Ranchers. Phoenix: The Rising is my first
published novel and won't be my last!
2. Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life and why?
That's easy.The two Stephen's...Stephen King and Meyer. I'm a huge
King fan and always thought if ever started writing, it would be in the horror
genre. Then Stephenie Meyer entered my life in early 2009. It was in the midst
of reading the Twilight saga with my daughter that the writing bug bit, latched
on, and wouldn't let go! I loved her storytelling...the romance...the paranormal
element...the Edward Cullen!! and I thought This is what I want to
write! Of course, King wasn't dead and buried yet. When I wrote my first
delicious death scene, I knew that I really did have a bit of horror writer in
3. What inspired you to write the Phoenix - The Rising ?
the idea of the Phoenix, so I researched the legend in different cultures. In
one, Phoenix is a fallen angel. That got me thinking about the Nephilim in
Genesis 6. When I reread that part of the Bible, the word "giant" jumped out at
me, and I wondered if there was a Native American legend about giants. I simply
googled Native American Legends, got a list, and worked my way through it until
I hit paydirt. When I read the short Paiute legend called The Lady and the
Giant, everything clicked and I could see all three legends woven together,
which resulted in the legend you read in chapter three of Phoenix: The Rising. I
researched the Paiute's of California, found my location and the perfect spot
for the Phoenix's rebirth, and my story was born!
4. How many books do you have planned for this series?
Right now my
plans are for just two, Phoenix: The Rising and Phoenix: The Legacy,
never know. As always, I'll have to let the story decide!
5. What is your current wip ?
I actually have several I'm working on.
The second in the Phoenix series, of course. I've decided to call this one
Phoenix: The Legacy. This is the first time I've announced the working title
publicly, although I did spill the beans to one reader a few weeks ago, but
swore her to secrecy! LOL I'm also working on a YA contemp called The House on
Carroll Street (read an excerpt here),
another YA paranormal called Used Things, and a romance series called The Tip
Top Café: Four Sisters.
6. Have you written any of your characters in your book to anyone you
Ummm...will I get in trouble if I say Yes?? Of course, I don't think
there's an author out there who doesn't include different characteristics or
quirks from people they know or knew into some of their characters. The teacher
and the assistant principal are a compilation of personalities I knew, as is
Charsey, the ditzy friend. All the others are strictly from my imagination,
although one of my friends from high school SWEARS Eli is modeled after a kid I
had a crush on in tenth grade, and after really looking at the cover, I can see
why she thinks that! My crush was an absolute hottie and looked a lot like Eli
(without the wings, of course!)
7. Why YA paranormal romance?
#1--It's Stephenie Meyer's fault. #2--I
spent 15 years teaching teenagers. #3--I found out after cutting my writing
teeth on my first novel that my style and voice is more young or new adult.
#4--It's also Stephen King's fault.
8. Any advice to new writers?
Persevere. The publishing road is long
and hard, but it's also exciting, and depressing, and exhilarating! Don't give
up and always listen to what the reader's want.
9. Anything you would like to share with the readers about your writing?
Aka when do you like best to write and where?
I write in the evenings, on
weekends, and during holiday. It's what I love to do and is more of a vacation
to me than hopping in a car and going somewhere. I like to write in a quiet
spot by myself with no distractions, but our new place has neither, so my
husband is thinking of setting up a special writing spot in the basement for me.
Right, honey...Honey??
Some blitz questions.
Last Vacation: St. Paul, Minnesota to see my kids
Favorite Flower: Stephanotis (another Stephen!!)
Last Movie You Saw: Warm Bodies!!!!!
Last Book You Read: Phoenix: The Rising of course! I'm also in the middle
of reading Stephanie Lawton's SHRAPNEL
Your guilty pleasure: Hijacking the TV on a Saturday and having a Twilight
marathon with my daughter...
Drink of choice: Diet Coke (and an occasional margarita on the rocks,
although they make me list to the left when I walk!)
Night or day: Night, definitely!
Winter or summer: Summer (with air conditioning, please!)
Werewolf, vampire , phoenix or fav paranormal: Phoenix followed closely by
vampire (one sparkly one in particular--yes, I loves me some Edward!)
Big Thank you to Bette for answering my Questions.
Phoenix - The Rising can be brought from
Giveaway Time One lucky Winner will win a e copy of Phoenix - The Rising Just fill out the form below |
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